There and back again

By Mikes

South from Kings Oven

After our walk this morning we had our drive "around the block" which is really a little circle of moorland roads which takes us past plantations and farms and open moorland. At this time of the morning we rarely see another car except the odd farmer and the ever present sheep and horses.

On our way back near a point called "Kings Oven" I glimpsed in my rear view mirror at the scene opening behind me. Pulling off the road, and looking south, Bellever Tor was sticking up through the plantation of the same name and beyond the rolling hills of the south moor looked soft and inviting for a days walk. Although they lack the rugged Tors of the north moor they are in many ways more challenging. What they lack in steep sided valleys they make up for in rugged terrain and lack of identifiable points for navigation.

What was "Kings Oven" ? or Furnum Regis as it was called in the 1240 Perambulation of Dartmoor. Google it for the many suggestions as to where and what it really was!!

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