Today's Venue

I left the house earlier than expected this morning so that I could say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' to a friend who was passing through on her way back down south after a photographic holiday up in Poolewe. I didn't fancy her chances of a safe journey back to Blackpool with the mobile methane factory that is 'the rug' in her car. His farts can bring a tear to a glass eye!
(see the extra shots).

It was then off to the Mining Museum in Newtongrange for the annual interclub photographic club competition.
All I can say is "there is something rotten in the state of Photography" (sorry Mr S) .............. 4 clubs withdrew at the last minute and at least 2 of them have said they will not be back - no reasons given by any! Also a very poor turnout from the remaining 7 clubs.
The quality of the work was probably the highest I have seen in this long running competition and the marking was apparently very close.
Apart from the winning club (not us) I have no idea of the rankings - they weren't read out and I was too busy socialising to find out.

Because of the lower number of entries I was home earlier than expected, but that meant I was able to take a phone call from Butterfly who had told No1 she wanted to call somebody on the telephone.
It was lovely getting an unexpected call from my 18 month old granddaughter. 

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