
Me, Coz and boy wonder.
Just short of 4 miles (and I know about it now!)

Worthwhile, if only for the fact that James came with us and that gave us a chance to really talk about forthcoming exams and the reality that he is perhaps a little stressed.

Interesting, (for my teacher friends) he asked me why teachers feel the need to tell Year 11 students how many weeks, days, hours are left until their exams.  I explained that part of it is to drive/motivate those students who don't have a sense of urgency.  

"Why?  Why not leave them to it.  If they aren't prepared to work, why waste your time on them?  It's their fault if they fail"  - common sense. 

 Yes, but sadly, as I pointed out, the teachers in schools where students don't achieve their potential, for whatever reason, risk their livelihoods if they cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they have done everything they possibly can.  Even when they CAN prove that, it all still hangs in the balance.  Teachers' careers rest upon the efforts of 15/16 year olds and the misguided expectations of politicians who (broadly speaking) didn't even complete their schooling in a state comprehensive.

So what does it come down to?  We are risking causing so much stress to the students who DO work, who are motivated and who want to be successful because they feel that THEY are not doing enough because WE are piling on the pressure, when they are already doing that themselves.

Fortunately, James has parents who understand and who are realistic.  We encourage him, cajole when needed, strict when necessary, supportive consistently and our over-riding commentary to him has been to do the best that he can - a clear conscience in that regard is all that we want.

I worry about parents who don't understand the system and who believe the empty rhetoric of the politicians.

Thanks for coming out with us James.  It was good to talk.

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