Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Opposites attract

Spent a few hours this morning going through my back blips and photos we took at the beach yesterday of Kilda. Did a bit of separation training with her before we went out to look at a couple of pet shops. We were looking for a new lead, collar, life jacket and bed for her. Went over to House of Hounds in Murrayfield. Not the best time to do it with Scotland playing France  at home this afternoon. Managed to check out a few things before going over to Cammo for a walk. Took some more photos of Kilda as she is going to have a hair cut in a few weeks and then won’t be out fuzz ball anymore. Came back to watch the rugby while doing the ironing. Great game and Scotland played well in the end. Arranged to RD to come up and dog sit on Thursday night as we have ticket to go to the ocean film festival. We had forgotten all about it till SC reminded us. This week’s theme is opposites. The positive and negative ends of a battery are certainly opposite but they do need to attract the electrons between them for us to get anywhere. Being a mechanical engineer I still haven’t figured out why you can’t see the electricity pouring out when you cut the wire. Gammon for tea along with the last day of Crufts

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