I Spy A Woodpecker
This greater spotted woodpecker, resident in the school's nature woodland just across our fence, raids the suet logs and fat balls regularly.
This afternoon, he wasn't too skittish and lingered around long enough for me to fetch a camera with a longish lens to take this shot through the conservatory window.
Tomorrow, I'm due to receive a Fujifilm 100-400mm lens which will give an effective focal length of 600 mm, 840 mm with the 1.4 converter. This will mean an ultra high shutter speed and possibly the use of a monopod to get shots that are hopefully not blurred.
But I might be better able to spy on the woodpecker.
Joy and I went to The Grange Garden Centre at Asfordby for a delicious lunch today. She had scampi and I had the home made beefburger topped with stilton and fried onions, and potato wedges and salad on the side. Big portions too.
As I said to Joy, the restaurant and garden centre is run by a family of farmers, who traditionally believe in giving people plenty of good food.
Joy was in considerable pain. She is due for a knee replacement next month. I hope the operation isn't postponed. She could barely walk today.
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