Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Tram line

Lie in this morning and nice to see the sun for a change. Went up town to get some fringe tickets for us and a few friends that are coming to stay. 93 tickets in total and after loading them all into the computer the woman behind the counter then said " WILL THERE BE ANY THING ELSE".

Yes, Just a mortgage please to pay for them please and do you do a loyalty card scheme by any chance. At least they are not all for us.

Back home to let the credit card recover before going to have some more jabs for the holiday. Yellow Fever and Rabies this time along with the Malaria tablets.

While on Princes Street I took the opportunity of getting a banker line photo in for the blip challenge. This is one of the few completed sections of the tram tracks. Love them or hate them looks like they are here to stay.

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