Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Sgurr an Fheadain from the fairy pools

Early start today to get ready for the full breakfast at the hotel. Next was a trip to the beach at Loch Brittle. Nice little beach, but not what I would call one of the best beaches on Skye.

From here we went back to have a look at the waterfalls near Coire na Banachdich. While the girls went around the edge of the gorge I decided to have a trip down to take some photos of the waterfall at the bottom. I managed to get 3/4 of the way down OK but the last little bit was steep with the rucksack on so I took it off to see the best route down. The option of getting down was taken away when my camera back fell down the slope. Not the best feeling in the world looking at your camera bag going end over end down a steep slope and heading towards a stream. After scrambling down and getting the camera bag from near the stream edge all seemed to be intact. Thank god for Lowpro bags.

Managed a shot of the waterfall before climbing back to meet the girls at the top of the gorge. After taking a few more shots at the top it was back down the hill to go to the fairy pools.

This is a shot looking up the stream from the top of the fairy pools towards Sgurr an Fheadain. Not the best day for taking photos but I'm quite pleased with this one.

From there it was off to Talisker bay for a walk on the beach before heading back to the Hotel. Dinner was a nice 5 course meal with a bottle of Malbec to go with the steak.

Met a nice couple from San Francisco in the bar after on their honeymoon.

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