
By Fisherking

...the day of the disaster...

I was editing the more than 165 photos from last nights retirement party..... I decided to save some changes....the computer gave a hiccup....and suddenly more than half of the photos vanished.

Absolute panic...all the shots of the assembled guests at their tables.....Myra and her son......ex-members of staff who'd made a special trip to be there....all the pretty ladies....all the elegant gents.........bollocks, bollocks, bollocks and other general effing and blinding.

Frantic phone calls and texts to the Son and Heir....and hebs...and one or two others.......scouring of manuals and the internet...pulse and heart beat going through the roof....sick feeling in stomach......aaarrgghh!

This all happened at about 2.30 this's almost midnight now and no solution....can't see me sleeping much tonight.

Das vidanya moy padeuga....say a prayer for me.

The blip....two aluminium commemorative Olympic Coke bottles....price £1.50 each...robbing sods.

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