Towards the Sun

A Dahlia a Day….Keeps the Bees in the play?
This arfo we popped round to “E’s” new place which is on the other side of the hill from “E’s” old place and The Boss was amazed by all the colourful stuff in her garden. The Boss has been  reading an Ebook on Macro and I am deeply disturbed by this behaviour, given his longtime aversion to flours ( except for Crepes with lemon and sugar).
Flours….Err…No No No Flowers, the colourful smelly things that normally come complete with Bees. THEM!.

Anyway he was showing “E” who used to be a member of his photo group, what iPhones did with Flowers and so …..
What can I bark?

Pawscript….I think this is a Daily  Errr…


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