Walk with Rosemary!
It has been a nice laid back weekend for me....for a change! It was very damp and misty yesterday, so I headed off to Sydney for some retail therapy, alone.....a girl needs to spend a lot of time in the bra department, alone!! Only spent a couple of hours in the morning in the studio.
Today has been just beautiful...hot, sunny with a bit of breeze. So Rosemary and I met up around 9.30am and headed off for a walk. It was lovely to finally get a visit with her. She only spends the summers here, which of course are my busiest times....I really need her here during the slow winter months! But she is a smart woman, and they (Lowell her husband) head south to DC and they also spend some time in Panama!
Pretty good gig for sure, and I don't blame her for taking off!
Only a few more days till my sister and her husband, from Edinburgh, arrive. She hasn't been here for many years, in fact the last time she was here was with our mother, and she was 19!!! I'm getting pretty excited....and realising i need to do some cleaning around here!\
I've just looked back a bit, and realise that today is my 3rd anniversary of being here at Big Hill. Hard to believe there was a time i didn't live here.
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