Magical day....

How i love when a day unfolds effortlessly, with some magic, some love, some friendship....and lots of sunshine !

Produced a goodly amount in the studio....teapots, tall vases and large plates!!! Feels like i've moved thro the tight and congested time in the studio and now it's just a case of keeping up a rhythm that will yield a glaze kiln load every couple of weeks! That's doable i think!

Then into the pond for the first time this was glorious, not too cold, but some lovely chilly layers just under the surface!

A heartfelt talk with my dear Glenn - and then another lovely chat with another soul mate, Karen, with a glass of wine, while sitting on the back porch. The only down side are the god damn f'n bugs.....they drive me batty!!!

Now it's almost dinner time and then a relaxing evening.

Four years ago today, i moved into this new life and home with Terry! i can hardly believe it has been that long and yet, it feels like an eternity - in a very good way! I give thanks to this wonderful life i have.....and to all that has gone before, that has given texture and grit to the layers laid down.

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