The Liffey

As you do, I took this photo every day as we walked from the hotel on Parnell Street down O'Connell Street and across the bridge to somewhere. Just in case. Today we were heading for the Science Gallery where they had some science-related stuff on, none of which was very interesting until a wee man in his 70s (maybe) came in off the street and upstaged the whole thing by making whistles out of sycamore twigs. No one had any idea where he'd come from or why but he totally stole the whole thing. There they are with their smarty-pants remote-controlled drones, dust, pollution, cola recipes and other pop-science things and he steals it with a pen knife and a twig. I can't remember anything else but I can remember how to make a whistle. And tomorrow, Ewan will badger me around the park to find some sycamore. No one will mention drones or hacking or science.

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