be Five Years Old

Five years old...where life is good. No money worries, and the only decision is...which ride to ride on next.

Merrick is at that certain age. Getting too big for the "kiddie" rides, but...after a couple of bad experiences on the "big-kid" rides...not wanting to go on the faster rides. I guess time will tell what he does in the near future.

He tired us out this afternoon and evening, and we didn't get home until after 10 o'clock. A long night.

The county fairs in Florida are not like our Michigan county fairs. In Michigan, there is a much bigger emphasis on animals...specifically, farm animals. We only saw a few cows, a few chickens, and a few rabbits.

Tomorrow (and Sunday)...Easter egg hunts. WOO-HOO! 4 thousand kids expected at the Sunday one. The Easter bunny will have its hands full.

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