Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Take Me Back In Time

I am writing to you all from a land known as Georgia. And now, as exciting as it would be for me to mean the Georgia in Europe, sadly I am still a captive of our vast United States.

With that said, I did find this little treasure today in the room that I'm staying in during my visit here. This globe has to be over 50 years old. As you can tell by the picture, Russia is actually marked as the USSR. As an antique lover, I found nothing more thrilling than stumbling upon this little memento of a different time in the world's past.

It is strange to think of a time that differed from the one we have before us now. Sure we learn all about our nation's history and the world's history through readings and school, but can you actually imagine a time where the bread lines were the main concern, over receding hair lines. Or when the nation was dropping atomic bombs instead of F-bombs. No matter where you are, there has been a time before you and there will be a time after you.

"This world is not a part of our lives. No, quite the opposite. For a short time, we are part of its life."

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