Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


For once I was half-pleased with a shot without editing, doesn't happen often! 

A sort of busy day as I was running behind with blog posts again and a poem I wanted to write on Thursday didn't happen until this morning!

It gave me a smile to write and I hope it does the same to read :) 

Stella and I went for our usual walkies but it was really rather chilly out. I was expecting rain as I had my hair done this afternoon but it just stayed dry with a very grey sky.

Also went and had cuddles and stories with my favourite boy plus he showed me just he very fast he can crawl from one room to another now. 

Home to do #ayearwithmycamera homework, plus get tomorrow's blog post ready. But first a healthy tea of salmon and veg (I may have been force fed a hot cross bun earlier - good job the scales were pleased with me this morning!)

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