Evening Light

I did a spot of gardening today.
It is going to take a darned sight more 'spots' to get it looking like anything other than a jungle though.

It was a lovely day so SWMBO and I went out to get a bit of fresh air (and maybe some sunset pictures?).
We headed over to Cairnpapple Hill - the highest point in West Lothian I think which has a 5,000 year old historic sight on its summit which is overshadowed be a damned great radio mast.
SWMBO stopped a bit below the summit to admire the views - including
the Forth bridges.
I was hoping to get the low sun showing off the stones and indentations but I managed to put on the 90mm macro lens instead of the wide angle which kind of put the mockers on things.
Mind you, I wouldn't have got any great shot with the other photographers who had already set up camp.
Despite the lovely light clipping  tree tops it was bloody cold so we didn't hang around for long.

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