A Good Walk Ruined

I am not sure the golfers would agree. Especially as these days it seemed they didn't have to carry clubs - they either used golf buggies to drive around or trolleys which mainly seemed to be remote controlled so they didn't even have to pull them!

Breakfast was huge - again with everything being sourced locally ..... including the Aberdeen Butteries (flat, flaky, butter laden 'rolls') which really brought childhood memories. My grandmother used to send my sister and I across the road to get the rowies (a local name for the butteries) - still hot and dripping butter - from the 'dairy'.

On booking out of the hotel there was another nice touch ........ a couple of bottles of water for the drive home. A simple thing, but very much appreciated.

On the way back down the road I stopped and took a snap of another castle and the local distillery (which was closed with it being a Sunday).
I found this place faintly amusing.

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