Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Thursday -- Sundown

We arrived at our place on California's Central Coast just a little while before this evening's sunset. It was spectacular.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Once we arrived I was so tired that I did not write a thorough Blip, but while in the car headed to Cayucos, I had written a couple friends, so I'm pasting those thoughts here:

Finally! Thursday afternoon has arrived. We pointed our automobile north, pressed the accelerator, and now the pavement vibrations are tickling our rears, while Adelle spins tunes in our ears. These past 11 days have been horrendous with tax appt preparation, my own evaluation at the college (makes me squirm), and I'm on the evaluation teams for two other faculty which requires meetings, classroom visits, and reports to write. Oh, and when I have nothing else to do -- I have five classes to teach and emails from students in all those classes to answer. So a weekend at the little lavendar house with the enormous view sounds delicious even if I have student papers to grade and my own "Progress Report" of the past three years and my "Goals" for the next three to write for my evaluators. I could fill a progress report with all that's been accomplished at the little Cayucos shack; I doubt they would be impressed. And goals -- to retire, to retire, to retire! I don't think that would pass inspection either, especially since I want to earn a wage for the next four years. So I thought someone ought to know we're on the road. And I'll let you know when we safely arrive and get some sand between our toes.

And our tax appt was yesterday and we do not owe Uncle Sam one cent. Oh what a relief!

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