Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Don't play with Matches!!

On this blustery, cold first day of spring, the intrepid Preiser Tiny Climbers decided to have an adventure.  They actually got into quite a bit of mischief before disaster struck.  Yes, in spite of all having been warned by their mothers never to play with matches...that is exactly what they did.  As one of them was hoisting a match around, it slipped, taking Horatio off the incline and trapping him.  I'm just glad his mother wasn't there to witness it!

In another section of the park, the Tiny Photographers had a great meet-up and gave each other a penny for their thoughts

Technical stuff - I shot this in my little soft box with two external lamps.  I shot 5 images, each focusing on a different part of the scene, and stacked the images in PS CC. (this is only the second time I've attempted focus stacking, and am surprised at how relatively easy it is!) Gear:  Nikon D600 and Nikon 105 macro lens.  

Started the day with a nice long phone chat with my parents who are ever-so-slowly starting to work their way north, having currently stopped for a week or so in Nevada.  Always a great way to start the day.  

As mentioned, it's cold and blustery (but no snow, thank you very much!) today, and other than getting the paper and topping off the feeders, I've stayed inside.  Hubs got a nice fire going and we are staying toasty warm.  

Thanks for sending my shocked woodpecker to the Pops page yesterday - very honored with all the lovely comments, stars, favorites...thank you.


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