
Katie decided I should share with you all today.... this was her being very excited to go for afternoon tea with her piano teacher and her visiting daughter, who is a similar age to me and has taken a shine to Katie & vice versa. Katie had been ridiculously excited to see B and show her the outfit, the report, the certificate and tell her all about yesterday's events. It turned out B has moles in the Festival who'd told her that Katie'd had a bit of a wobble but then been fabulous - they failed to explain to B that had all come about because people hadn't turned up, they'd told Katie to play, then not then to play as someone else was, then eventually decided to have her wait. So poor B had been concerned overnight, when in fact it was a small blip that was nothing when it finally came to her actually playing! She was over the moon to read Katie's report as Katie bounced in front of her, pointing out bits B should read. Katie was also super pleased to see Amanda and spun & twirled round the kitchen for a large amount of the time, stopping to play with a crazy wee toy with her for a while. And stopping to run to the music room to play Amanda her competition pieces. It was a wonderful visit! And quite nice that we had such a fabulous time with them - I realised tonight that it was exactly a year ago, almost to the minute, that we'd met B! It truly is amazing what a year can do. Music has become such a massive part of both our lives in that short time, in an absolutely wonderful way that I wouldn't swap. 

Before we went a-visiting, we've talked and thought a lot today about Palm Sunday and Easter. We obviously talked about it at Church and in Sunday School, where I helped this week. The children had a comic to bring home which Katie read and asked many, many questions from. She'd already got a really detailed recall of the story, but there were a lot more "whys" about different parts of it today. Why did Judas betray Jesus. Why did the people pick Barbus (she can't say Barabas, its very cute) instead of Jesus. Why did they make him wear the crown of thorns. Why did they cheer on Palm Sunday then kill him? Many many questions today!! 

In other news, I have today reinstated my other journal, and had a massive backblip.... 

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