Big Day

Katie has worked so incredibly hard for this day. She has been very excited, but mixed with a bit of nerves too. Today was her first piano solo. The day started with trying her dress on as I had last minute adjustments to make overnight. She loved the sparkles that had appeared in the process too. After dippy eggs and soldiers, we then headed into town as an important day like today definitely deserves a babyccino. We also found the bows that would complete her outfit once I had sparkled them up. Home for some last minute practise, a bath and doing her hair, before it was off to dance class. 

She had a great time at class and is pleased to be leading lines in all her dances. She ate her lunch and played with the bigger girls a while before we headed in to town to meet my parents. I got her dressed and ready in her new dress, put a few sparkles on her eyes as a wee treat and it was very soon time to go to the Music Centre. 

We arrived as a class was finishing so we snuck in and she saw the auditorium (ohhh its gorgeous, a proper acoustically-fabulous, purpose built music facility). She had a little trial run at sitting at the piano, me putting her music in place, a touch nervous for a brief minute but with an incredibly kind adjudicator who came to chat with her whilst she was doing it. She then listened to the duet class before it was time for her. I put her music on the grand piano that she couldn't reach. She stood up and introduced herself & her pieces before she sat at the piano. I was sooo proud of her just for getting that far and in some ways that was the huge achievement of the day. Except that she then proceeded to play beautifully. She was absolutely gorgeous. She remembered all the dynamics, she played wonderfully, she was wonderful.  She had cute factor by the bucketload to top it off.  She was by far the youngest competitor of the afternoon. She got herself a distinction and first place. It was so special to see her go through the initial nerves and tackle them, then have an amazing time doing it. It was one of the most kind festivals we have experienced. They gave her stickers, they were extremely encouraging, and it was really friendly. Super proud Mummy! 

We got a train straight after as we were heading to help with youth group. She wouldn't take her pretty dress off and they all were asking if she'd been to a party. She was proud as punch telling them why she had her new dress! 

The extra photo is her at home, when she tried the dress on this morning, just to show the back of the dress as I love this one. 

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