what we did today...

By SarnieV

Spring in Edinburgh

A busy busy day!
First thing a 4.5 mile run at fast pace - fastest so far while chatting with a pal. Sadly a mutual friend lost her battle with cancer this week, it was great to share memories and grief as well as a good run.
Then I headed by bus into town to meet a couple of artist friends for lunch at Bert's Bar in the west end before heading to the opening of Georgina Bown's exhibition at Gallery Ten. Was great to see her work, some fab mono prints of submarines. Well worth a visit. I left her with the free wine at her opening and headed to blackwells bookshop. I walked past Charlottes Square which was looking lovely and Spring like with all those lovely crocus. There I met A and the boys to use our world book day tokens - though D wasn't impressed with the fiction available - he wanted a fact book about animals. Needless to say we were convinced to spend a bit more so he could have a book he wanted. We then all went to Mother India for our tea as a treat for A's bday. The boys were impressed with the spiciness of the food but C loved the peshwari pittas and little D loved the paratha.
On the way back to the car we passed a homeless shelter. C was asking about it and when I explained that the could sleep there overnight but had to leave during the day he thought that sad. He said when he is a grown up he will get enough money to buy a shop and turn it into a homeless shelter where you are allowed to stay during the day. So they have somewhere to watch tomb or do drawing or writing in the day. My heart was fit to burst! Sometimes you have glimpses that your kids are growing into cool people - that was one of those moments.

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