Show of Colour

Yap it is happening and it was a whole lot more noticeable than closer to home.
The Boss says, and I don’t understand any of this, the the lake is like a gigantic heat sink and things happen differently elsewhere. 

The only sink I kno about is the one in the kitchen that always smells delicious whenever The Boss is cleaning up after cooking breakfast.   

My Grub never smells as good as THAT!

A fun day today where I practised job sharing while out with the Walkers.. “Grant” got hold of my lead while The Boss did his photo thing and wouldn’t give me bark and then Mike took over so The Boss was free to chat up all the ladies, ashedoes, without K9 interference.  
The Boss was also chatting up a lady this morning who was a new arrival to our town, while he was putting the rubbish out. I was providing occasional barkground music but her companions Max and Niamh were unimpressed. Labs can be a bit like this. (In Extras)


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