
By Lemony1Lemon

Day 18 - Palmerston

Today has been amazing!!!!! A day of trying new things.
Firstly me, Laura and Tom went to the Orlando country club (very posh) where I had the most perfectly sliced bagel I have ever seen!! Then we hit some golf balls at the driving range, most went into the pond but I did get a couple on the green :)

Then around 4 we headed to toms friends house (aaron) who lives on a farm land at the bottom of a huge hill where I fed some beautiful baby piglets a loaf of bread (who knew?!) Petted Rex the sheep and talled to every other animal he has. Then Aaron took us on a drive up to the top of the mountain in his 4X4 (of corse i didnt have my camera grr) and seen the whole of the North NZ which I wouldn't have been able to see anywhere else, absolutely amazing! We finished the evening with firing some emypt beer cans with Aarons hunting gun, which I hate anything like that, hunting etc but I really enjoyed it and got a couple! Was really chuffed! Another good day!

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