in the woods

I missed a fantastic photo opportunity this morning when a yellow Sea King helicopter flew over the house. As I don’t walk round all day with a camera around my neck I had to go out and find another. 

I was in Deerbolts Wood on the shore of Grasmere taking these photos when my phone rang. I didn’t recognise the number but as it wasn’t an 0800 one I answered it. A lady said “You phoned me” to which I replied “I haven’t called anyone”. The caller then insisted that I had and that all she could make out was a crackling sound. By that time I’d recognised the American accent and said “Is that W?” She (my former neighbour) replied yes, so I then said who I was and apologised (many times). Must have put my phone in my pocket without switching it off and somehow the phone icon and then her home number had been activated while I was walking along the path (or on the leaves). I now have her mobile number for my records. 

Had problems with the size of this file when exporting and had to reduce it, though probably not in the best way. Must do some reading on the subject. 

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