Lali's World

By Lali


I've been doing a bit of shopping today in St Andrews. And so has this woman..

(My other choice for today in the Extras)

I woke up late with the sunshine. The weather was glorious this morning and the sunshine warmed my flat. I did some cleaning and then I left the flat to go to St Andrews. Lovely weather as I was waiting for the bus; however, as we approached St Andrews, the clouds started gathering and, by the time I arrived in St Andrews, it was grey.

I got myself some vitamin D, as I might have a bit of deficiency due to lack of exposure to sunshine. This winter has been particularly bad. Let's hope we get a bit more sunshine in Spring and Summer. I can't complain though as I've had sunshine on my three days off! :)

Feeling better after my days off. Back to work tomorrow..

Thanks very much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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