More than it seems....

Katie doesnt have a great deal of ICT experience- she has fairly limited exposure to technology beyond the occasional bit of iPad time. so she's quite liked her ICT lessons at school. This is the bunny she drew and added text to. It may not seem much but she has discovered the perils of being a leftie in a rightie-dominated computer suite. There's no mouse-hand combination that massively works for her so when she brought home her picture she was proud of it.

She had music tonight. She did some good playing but at the same time she was, in B's words, a "bolshy little madam" tonight. The excellent playing meant she did get a couple of stickers but not the 4 or 5 she's earnt in recent weeks. Thankfully it's holidays soon and she can have daytime lessons.

In other news, the headmaster called me in to his office today (that never gets less scary, does it!?) to tell me that he wanted me to know he's completely behind Katie's dance and music & that any time she needs out of school he will totally support. And that the school orchestra would be delighted to have her.

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