what we did today...

By SarnieV


My big boy playing hockey on his school team. The p5-7 inter school comp. Most of their team are p5 while most of the other schools appear to field their p7 kids - they look huge compared to ours! They did well, came 3rd and are through to the next round through in Glasgow in the summer. C was v chuffed.
Spent after school helping little D make an Easter bonnet. He had said he didn't want to make one...but has obviously seen others arriving at school and decided he did now want to make one. So glad I buy random packs of crepe paper from lidl and still had white wool left for making snowman pom-poms. D is quite the dab hand at pom-poms these days and is very chuffed with his pompom rabbit. A photo will no doubt be a blip later in the week!
Meanwhile C was typing up his homework newspaper report of "something that has happened at home" so was writing about the fox. He works a lot better when typing than actually writing - he doesn't need to do any dramatic lying across the table or anything!
Sad for the people in Brussels today. Sad too that it's no longer such shocking news. Such a waste of lives, so so sad.

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