what we did today...

By SarnieV

Easter bonnet

Little D didn't want to do an Easter bonnet for the school competition this year...that was until everyone else in his class started bringing them in. So after school we had to invent one from the stuff we had at home. Hooray for a pack of lidl crepe paper and the white wool I bought at Xmas for making pompom snowmen. He made himself a pompom bunny, I taped some paper round his head to make the crown of the hat/grass field and then he cut it to make it like grass and I helped tape a wee hole together for his bunny to peek out of. When he had visions for things, he certainly knows what he wants to do! I did wonder how long it would take to dry as age 6 you need ALOT of glue :-D I had visions of it sticking to his head! He was chuffed with the result :-)

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