
By littlesedz

At the big park

Today mummy and daddy asked me what I wanted to do and I replied 'go to BIG park!' So that's what we did!
The big park is also known as bruntwood and it's got swings and slides and a little steering wheel that I like to stand at shouting 'drive drive drive!'
Today we also went for a walk around the duck pond where I remembered that daddy stood in duck poo the other day, so I spent a long time shouting 'daddy did duck poo!!' (Daddy wasn't very impressed). We also went for a walk through the woods... where I splashed in the stream and walked across a pipe.
This afternoon we went to nannie and grandpa's house where we met grace and jacqui. Me and grace played with some play dough before she went home, me and mummy and daddy stayed at nannies for tea.

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