Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


I found this caricature whilst clearing out the last few things from my friend Colin's apartment, spent a little time looking to find the artist but to no avail, guess it must have been drawn in the fifties when Colin was playing Cricket at a professional level for Cheshire , I think  it's a lovely reminder of the man that was and I intend to post it off to his family tomorrow.

A short poem in COLIN'S memory

I shall play cricket in heaven
in return for the afternoons
gladly given to the other
pleasure of others' leisure.

I shall walk, without haste, to the wicket
and nod to the angels kitted
in their whites waiting to discern
the kind of batspirit I am.

And one stroke in heaven, one dream
of a cover drive will redeem
every meeting of bat
and ball I've done without.

And I'll bowl too, come on to bowl
leg-breaks with such control
of flight and slight changes of pace
that one over will efface

the faint regret I now feel.
But best of all I shall field:
alert in the heavenly deep,
beyond the boundary of sleep.

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