
I think I did the right thing with my blip-based reminiscing over the last five days; I felt fully mentally prepared for waking up as a fifty year old, this morning. And it really was OK.

The kids had asked me what I wanted to do today and I said I wanted to go and walk around Tarn Hows with them, which is something we used to do when they were small. 

It was a surprisingly nice day for it, too, and we took the ferry across Windermere, the windy road through the Far and Near Sawreys, brushed Hawkshead, and finally drove up the hill to Tarn Hows. We had a really lovely stroll 'round, too, enjoying the sunshine and beautiful views, reminiscing about when they were toddlers, before we drove down into Coniston for tea.

In the evening the Minx and miniMinx joined us, and I spoke to Milly (Canada) and Izzy (Greece) by FaceTime. Oh, and also my brother (Wimbledon).

It was a lovely, mellow and easy day. Believe me when I say that I know I'm lucky to be surrounded by so much love. It's been a good life, so far, but that's enough looking backwards: from here it's onwards and upwards!

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