Stress Balls

A lovely day of steady much needed rain. I helped out at school, then got stuck in at home and cleared up a pile of jobs that have been waiting for a wet day. It was great until I realised I was going to have to find an indoor blip. Why is it that imagination immediately flies out the door?

I wandered around looking for inspiration and in the end settled on these stress balls that I recently re-discovered in a cupboard.  They are about the size of a ping pong ball and give a faint musical jingle as they are handled. The idea is to rotate them around in one hand. That gave me more stress than I had to start with as with small arthritic hands I kept dropping them. I found the jingly noise got irritating after a while too so took their photo and they are back in the cupboard. I don't know why I keep them - except I think one of the children gave them to me a long time ago.

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