Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


New Little Camera and I spent the day getting to know one another in short bursts. I had an errand to run first thing so took it with me but this was before I had first switched it on after charging the battery. Rounding a corner in the road I spotted this hillside with a vast palette of Spring colours. Most plots of land are less varied and you are more likely to see all olive or all plum. I didn't actually stop to take it until the homeward journey when the sun had shifted and it wasn't quite so striking. Lesson learned. I also learned that I hadn't set the time/date so Blip thinks I took this in the first seconds of 2014.

Back at home the manual was consulted and mistakes were made and we had rest periods from each other. We will continue in this way until we are firm friends.

Selecting it's debut photograph has been quite the most difficult Blip selection I have ever had to make.

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