A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Emergency Lever

Look away now if you are offended by swearing.

Today has been unspeakably shit. I am struggling to find any bright sides.

Lesley x

EDIT....it is bothering me to not find any bright sides. It is a cliche because it is true that it really could always be worse. In which case there must be something okay about it all.  So here goes, in no particular order...

- my boy has a strength of character that frankly blows my mind. It is so hard for him most days and his ability to crack on and stay positive is incredible. So I will because he can and surely it is wrong for your child to be better at being a person than you are when they are only 12. 

- my girl is a ray of sunshine with incredible levels of empathy and kindness. 

This period is frankly a bit stinky but at least I can be assured I have kids who are equipped to deal with the world. 

And I'm not doing this on my own. I don't really know how people do but I'm grateful I don't have to find out.  

And there's my beautiful mutt who I am going to take for a long walk. 

And my lovely family, friends and you lovely blippers. 

There, loads of bright sides.

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