I'm One!!

Well what a day I have had. My Mummy and Daddy said its my First Birthday today and that's quite a big deal. Not sure what they were on about really but I did get lots of paper with stuff inside it. Granny and Grandpa come to see me first thing and also gave me lots more paper. I really like paper and did my best to eat it, but every time I did Mummy scooped it out of my mouth.

Then Mummy and Daddy took me to the Zoo in Bristol and I thought that was great fun! I did a lot of talking to the animals and laughing. When we got back my other Granny was there with more things in paper. The picture is of me looking at my brand new trike! I have been on it and think it's really cool!

Farming - Daddy said two were on compost hauling and two on muck spreading. Apparently Rusty was not happy at the amount of string the farmer had left in his muck heap. Naughty farmer!

Well it's off to bed for me. I have a terrific first birthday!

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