I am 2!

I can hardly believe that little Miss is two! Today we celebrated her birthday with a gathering of Grannies, Grandpas and Aunts to watch her open present galore.

Her main present this year was a collaborative affair so that we could buy a Wendy House for Little Miss. Mr Tbay Jnr and Joshy were detailed to put the Wendy House together which when done was HUGE! It even has an upstairs! When Little Miss saw it she was almost overcome! Once we have sited it properly in the garden I can see her having a lot of fun for quite a few years to come!

Farming - Another busy day with the compost hauling.

Tonight we have decided to have a take a way. However the process of agreeing and deciding what to have is a very slow one! Hopefully by the time we need supper decisions will have been made!!

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