Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Wee sleeper

The wee man slept well in his first night back in Scotland. We woke up once in the early morning but we managed to carry him back to bed and settle him quickly. I guess he's becoming used to sleeping in different locations by now.

Because the decorator is still touching things up around the house, preparing new rooms and storing his paints, we decided to keep the little lady in our room as little longer. She's sleeping pretty well, only waking once or twice throughout the night. A quick snuggle and feed with Mama normally keeps her hair for a few more hours. I think we're all looking forward to the time when we can settle her back in her own room.

Meanwhile the house decorations are coming along brilliantly. Seeing how great the house can be makes me wish we'd find these improvements years ago. Hopefully they'll help when we get round to selling.

We looked at another new house today, this time in Morningside. It was a lot cheaper than the last one, which makes a huge difference to the property tax but unfortunately, as lovely as it was, we'd want to do a lot of work to make it into 'our' house.

I can't help thinking that the government would gain more taxes if the charged a lower rate as they'd encourage more frequent house moves.

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