Guitar Practice

Fairly overcast and cloudy but fine enough, mostly dry but the odd light shower.

Another day in the office and been getting the photos ready for my display to put up in the morning.  Nipped home at lunchtime for walkies with Sammy.  After tea, I rushed down for my shift at the pub.  A steady night and finished early.  More walkies with Sammy and then off to bed early, I'm dosed up with the cold! 

I nipped down to desk on my tea break and heard music coming from the Learning Room.  This turned out to be a practice for Mootie Moose preschool club on Friday.  Barbara Anderson  (Bressay) has been learning the theme tune as Trevor Jamieson (Cunningsburgh) can't be there this week.  Taken in the Shetland Museum, Lerwick. 

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