walks with my dog

By mingamo

Flowers and herbs.

Glasgow holiday fortnight so Eoghan had day off. He and a work colleague are in training to cycle the Glasgow to Edinburgh cycle run on the 9 th of September. Today was a thirty mile trial which went well. It's so strange to see him have to train cos when we met he would think nothing of cycling forty fifty miles on a whim for fun. Oh age and the passage of time !! Le tour ended in another individual win from a small group who were ten minutes ahead of the main peloton. With the main rivals for the yellow jersey conserving their strength for Wednesday and Thursday there was no incentive for the major teams to chase down the group. It was thought Sky would try and lead Cavendish to the sprint but with the chance of a British winner for the FIRST TIME EVER no chances are being taken. The team are openly saying this now which shows how confident they are. Cavendish is a team player and is uncomplaining. Unlike the disgraceful Chris Frome who gave an interview to a French paper saying he would win if he didn't have to support Wiggins. Not on , untrue and will not be appreciated within British cycling where the success of recent years has been bought with hard work loyalty and you pay your dues. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next long time trial the day before Paris. Rest day tomorrow and then two days of hell in the highest mountains of the Pyrennese for the riders. Two days of excitement and joy if you're sitting on your backside watching it on tv!!

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