
But still functional.

I woke early, partly to ensure that boy wonder made it to school on time, but mostly so that I could ring the hospital at 8.30am.  On the dot.

Answered by someone who actually showed some sensitivity and apologised, particularly once he saw the history of date changes and cancellations.  He explained a set of circumstances which, had I been told yesterday afternoon, might have rendered me less vexed than I was. However, still not convinced that it had to be left until 4.10pm the day before the surgery to tell me that I wasn't going to be operated on.

Anyway, there is a plan moving forward.  No date as the gynae secretary isn't back until Tuesday, but the person I spoke to has printed my history off and put it on her desk.  I have told them that I will ring back later on Tuesday if I haven't heard anything.  I explained my circumstances, particularly the need to plan ahead for the sake of my colleagues and my students.  I was listened to, which helped.

Having spoken to Mum for well over an hour this evening, I 'tested' part 2 of the steps to get a date.  I am going to write to the hospital, not to complain, but to explain why this situation wasn't acceptable and how this whole sorry ongoing saga is affecting me in very many ways.  I also discussed some of my worries about some of the potential complications that might be occurring, the longer this goes on. Also, the fact that my pre-op was six months ago, so I expect that i will probably have to have another trip down to the hospital to have that re-done.

What a bloody mess!

Silver linings.  Well, yes, there are 3, possibly 4.  Firstly, I will be able to celebrate 6 years married to long suffering Coz on 3rd April, celebrate James' 16th a few days later, go to a concert with James and Lew on the 8th and possibly, by the time this is actually resolved, my GP might have returned from her maternity leave and therefore my post op sick note won't require me to re-explain, for the umpteenth time, the whole sorry saga.

However, just to be a complete bitch, my body decided to kick up a right stink about the fact that i wasn't anaesthetised today and I have been in agony.

That's the reality.  Surgery postponed, new date as yet unknown and I am still broken.

Still, I did manage to go for a long walk to compose my thoughts and try to reflect on how things could be worse.  They could.  

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