GOOD Friday

It's funny, isn't it? When you have to be up early for work, it's the worst thing in the world. However, on the first day of the holiday: wide awake at 6am and out running by 7am. However, it was remarkably glorious this morning and I think I got a little bit high on all that vitamin D.

SS and I did some major spring cleaning this morning. I honestly don't know how people with more than two rooms in their house cope.

We rewarded ourselves with a delicious breakfast and a mooch around town. SS seems to have converted me into a clothes shopper, which I am actually quite delighted about.

A lovely walk to TJC's in a tshirt and no socks. Bliss. Afternoon tea, scones with cream piled high and entertainment in the form of CS and a pair of gardening tools. A bit of sunbathing before we moved inside for prosecco and hotel.

Then the first BBQ of the year! Thanks TJC!

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