
By Chiara

Restraining order

I put coolant in the truck in a parking lot last week and I was deathly afraid of spilling the antifreeze, because the last thing I wanted was for someone's dog to lap it up from the pavement and die a slow, horrible death. Thankfully, nothing was spilled and all was well. Still, it did not keep me from having an extremely odd nightmare about antifreeze last night where everyone I knew drank it and died. Creepy.

Happy Thanksgiving. I didn't see my dad & any of my extended family today. My mom was planning on spending today all alone in her house (she didn't care) so I got her and we moved most of my stuff into Skoff's house. Afterwards I spent a few hours at my mom's house and chatted with my siblings. They're wonderful, intelligent people, and I'm glad I'm related to them. Naturally, Carlina (my sister) shared some family gossip with me. Even though she goes to school in upstate New York, she's always all caught up in family affairs here in Chicago while I'm in my own little world. She shared some extremely unsettling news with me. I'm just very disappointed in a few certain family members. Some people are just truly awful.

However, my faith in humanity was restored when I received this box of kitchen goodies from my mom. She told me that when this lady named Katie Hope in HR at work found out that my apartment building burned down, she contacted everyone and had them donate brand new kitchen stuff, such as a spice organizer (!), a vegetable roaster (!!), baking utensils (!!!), and a baking sheet (!!!!!!). You can't imagine my gratitude when I found out. However, I felt a little bit guilty because she probably thought everything I owned got destroyed in the fire, while in reality I only lost some stuff, mainly furniture. Still, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when I remember how kind people really are.

When school ends, I'm going on a shopping spree. I'm buying clothes, toys, blankets, and a lot of goodies for the unfortunate. I need to find a honest Chicago-based charity. Any suggestions?

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