
By Chiara


Here's Kikeli in all her sleepy glory. She's the sweetest five-year-old you'll ever meet.

When I was eighteen, I started college living in a tiny studio in Lincoln Park (I know, I know...) with my ferret, Mojo. A friend of mine in New York, Ashley, contacted me and told me that her landlord found out that she was hiding a kitten in her apartment. She had to get rid of the cat or she would face eviction. She asked me if I could take the kitten, and I told her I couldn't because my apartment was too small for two pets.

She ended up rehoming it to her friend, who had to pass the cat along to Ashley's sister, who passed it to her mom. Her mom kept the cat for a short while before she realized her dog couldn't get along with it. Ashley contacted me again, pleading me to take the cat. I finally agreed, and I went to her mom's house to pick it up.

The first thing I came face-to-face with when I walked in the door was a tiny gray tabby named Kikeli.

The rest is history. I know everyone had their reasons, but I don't understand why anyone would want to give away a wonderful, funny, and sweet cat like her. All in all, I'm glad she fell in my arms.

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