Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

My mother's 80th birthday lunch

Gavin and I were up early and we went for a run on the beach promenade. At 7.30am it was so busy with walkers and runners, as it is a very popular 3km stretch (and you return along the same way so it is a total of 6km). After a delicious breakfast at our B&B, Gavin and I went to the shopping mall to buy my mum a smart phone as this was part of her present from us. Her current phone is an extinct Nokia and she was long overdue an upgrade! Now we can send her photos on WhatsApp and emails which we were unable to do before. We just have to spend tomorrow teaching her how to use it!

We then had her 80th birthday lunch at an excellent Mauritian restaurant called Il Maurice - the choice of seafood and fish was incredible, and many dishes were cooked in the Creole style. There were 12 of us at lunch and it was lovely to have my immediate family all together again. Unfortunately Luke felt a bit ill and we think he may have a touch of food poisoning from something he ate yesterday.

At the lunch, and afterwards at my sister's house I took so many photos of the family. It is not everyday we are all together and the afternoon was spent having a bit of a photo shoot while having our tea and birthday cake.

Despite the busy background I liked this photo of my mother holding her birthday flowers with the boys - there is an extra of my sister and I with my mother and another of me and my boys - who by some sheer coincidence were all wearing coordinating pale blue shirts!

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