
I was woken with a headache...again...sigh.

Once the drugs kicked in I nipped to Tesco...where I made a fool of myself by falling in the cheese fridge.

The coven met for Easter treats this afternoon. It is always a tonic to meet with friends and have a laugh. I told them about squashing the Dairylea and Philadelphia and Ellen told us how she'd come to the aid of a woman in Sainsbury's car park....the woman had shouted for help and when Ellen rushed over she saw she was trapped between the bumpers of two cars. "It's automatic, put it in reverse," she pleaded. Not being used to automatics Ellen panicked and it went forward. Another woman heard the screams and rushed over but she couldn't do it either...I hate to say this but it was a man who saved the day. The poor woman limped into her car and drove home. 

Film Star Friday 5

I love the variety of films that we depicted and the creativity that went into the shots. The Girl with the Pearl Earring by mambo was brilliant in its simplicity, I'm glad to see that syetuttle is almost as mad as me, UkeleleHaley portrayed the gloom and misery of a post apocalyptic world, Terraldinho ate her way into a chocolatey mess, I hope DramQueen hasn't overdone the Chianti, Green56 turned from green to grey and SpotsOfTime found their own Easter Bunny to help with their pic. But my favourite this week was ROBERT10, he makes for a great Bond villain ha ha ha ha. Have a look HERE and see them all :))

The next Film Star Friday is on 8th April....get your thinking caps on :))

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