Round One...DING DING

So you wanna be a boxer
in the golden ring...

Well after my fall into the cheese fridge in Tesco yesterday afternoon I stumbled and fell against a door last night. I banged my cheek and when I got up this morning I was shocked to see a cracking shiner. It hurt like Billy Oh and looks a right mess. But, not one donor asked me about it. I think a black eye is a bit of a taboo subject....they maybe assumed I was a battered woman and didn't feel they could broach the subject. My shiner was the elephant in the health screening booth!

In the room next door men were setting up a boxing ring for an event this evening. We sneaked in for cheeky shot...well with a black eye it was an opportunity not to be missed. 

We had chocolates, eggs, sweets and cup cakes today, I'll be good.....tomorrow :))

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