The Camp Oven

Lurking in a corner of my garden is this old camp oven. I should get rid of it but it carries such memories of happy times at the bay as a child.

My mother cooked all meals for the family of 5 in this - from porridge in the morning to the main meat and vege meal at night and all done over an open fire in mid summer heat. This camp oven hung from a hook over the flames with a blackened kettle propped on a brick beside it.

I dont know how she managed it - no electricity, the only source of fresh water a spring accessible only at low tide. The kitchen cum dining room cum lounge was also her bedroom in the 2 room bach. 

No escape to the shops or to friends for Mum - Dad continued to work and brought to the bay each evening the foodstuff Mum had requested.

I only wish she had lived long enough for me to show my appreciation

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