Easter Sunday

What a wonderful way to spend Easter Sunday morning.  We met up with four of our good mates from Blackheath.  Irene and Bob had invited us over to have morning tea with our friends Jim and Marg.   Well there's not a person in the mountains who makes a better scone than Irene and we were treated to a traditional Devonshire morning tea.  I might qualify that last statement by saying that I do make a pretty mean Lemon and Date Scone :-) Oh by the way, that's Marg on the left of screen and Bob on the right about to plunge the coffee!!

We've had a very relaxing Easter so far and it's been good to spend some time at the Blackheath Blipping Exhibition.  There have been a few tourists coming through for a look and we've been able to tell them about the mysterious world of a blipper and blipfoto!!

I spent some time this afternoon completing the Blipfoto Survey.  It was so good to be able to give my opinion about the way forward and have the opportunity to have some input.  If you haven't yet ticked the boxes here is a link which will take you to the Blipfoto Membership Consultation Survey.  We have until the end of March to make do the survey.

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