Bathtime Bedlam

There was mayhem in the bird bath this afternoon.  I had my camera at the ready from mid morning.  The New Holland Honey Eaters were out in force and I had just missed the early morning bedlam.  It is hysterical to watch them and I was flat out choosing an image.  I ended up with this one because you will get a pretty accurate image of what was going on in the spa bath.  We were expecting the New Hollands to return en masse because the banksias are almost fully flowering and they must be full of delicious honey.  I have added an extra of three of them in full chorus just before they dive in.  Hard to take life seriously when all this chaos is happening right in front of your eyes.

THE DATE AND LEMON SCONES!  This link if for you OLD TIMER and CONNECTIONS :-) and any other blipper who may be interested in a great scone recipe.
This is one of my favourites and I have to confess it's so damn easy to make.  It was featured in a Masterclass on the first year of Masterchef in Australia.  I promise you won't be disappointed if you give them a go.

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